I probably shouldn’t let this secret out… If everyone knew how cheaply they could live in an RV/travel trailer, they might all sell their homes, the demand for RV spots would be higher and so would the price. Luckily, I just have 3 people that read my blog. XD

The only reason May electric was so high (yes, high) was that I had strep throat and didn’t realize I had a fever. I thought it was gettin’ really hot already and turned on my A/C for 3 days. It’s too bad too because I was tryin’ to beat April’s low of $16.37. I was wantin’ to see if I could have a $15.00 electric bill. Oh well, I can’t complain when rent and electric together are under $300.

In other good news, my first full year teaching in Dallas is over. YAY! It was a rough year, but no where near as difficult as Midway (middle school + mid year + 1st year teaching = nightmare).  I have already signed my contract for next year and just have one or two days to go in next week to finish up my classroom and paint my chalkboards with whiteboard paint and then I will be out for the summer! I don’t expect to see many more electric bills that low since it can get pretty hot in Texas and I have no intention of sittin’ around sweatin’ since I have a job.

Hope everyone else’s summer is startin’ off as fine as mine.



6 thoughts on “The Proof

  1. Your creativity is simply fantastic!
    We just became the proud guardians of a 1973 Silver Streak. Her name is Silvia.
    We are wondering if you know of any exterior electrical outlet on our beauties? Also, we have all original manuals and information if you’d be interested in copies.
    C & J

      1. hello!
        we did find an outlet behind a little door above the back wheels. the converter is housed in there too.
        we are considering getting a little “fireplace”. seems like that will cost less to heat our Silvia than propane…and feel more homey.

  2. I think I live in the cheapest apartment in the Midwest, I don’t pay utilities and my rent is still more then that!

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