Despite being in the 70’s well into December, the morning glories were starting to look a little brown. Time to say farewell until next year.

Morning Glories
Morning Glories

Despite the leaves turning brown, they were still bloomin’ their heads off. I have thousands of seed pods which I have been harvesting as soon as they are ready.

Morning Glory Doorway
Morning Glory Doorway

The above picture gives you an idea of how I had them attached to the awning bar. The vines were all down the East side of the Rocket except where the door is as you can see. My neighbor was afraid I was going to get stuck inside the way they were growing over the top like that. Haha!

Mom and I in the Morning Glories
Mom and me in the Morning Glories

When it was green, it was really green! Last Sunday I cut them off about 2 feet from the fence. I have a blanket of vines against the Rocket now. I did that hopin’ they would hurry up and dry out so I can finish gettin’ the seeds. Those crazy things are STILL blooming a week later! They are mostly brown now though. It’s supposed to get close to freezing tonight. Maybe that will finish them off. If you’re on my Christmas card list, don’t be surprised if you get a baggie with little black seeds. >_<




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